Ninth detection of TR4 in Tully Valley

The Australian Banana Growers’ Council would like to advise growers that additional VCG analysis has reaffirmed a ninth detection of TR4 in the Tully Valley.

The ABGC was advised by Biosecurity Queensland (BQ) last month that a sample taken from a suspect plant found on the property, had returned a positive result to Panama TR4 from diagnostic testing known as PCR (polymerase chain reaction).  BQ has now confirmed that additional VCG analysis has been completed.

The suspect plant was discovered during routine surveillance by BQ.

The new detection was located near other infected properties in the Tully Valley. Given the nature of the disease and the new property’s proximity to other infested properties, this detection is not unexpected. However, it is a reminder to all growers of the need to adopt and maintain robust on-farm biosecurity measures.


Resources for FNQ Growers - TC Jasper recovery


Important consent required from growers for TR4 Control Program