Changes to Code Of Practice Approved
The Australian Banana Growers’ Council on behalf of and in consultation with industry successfully lobbied for changes to the Panama TR4 Code Of Practice, (CoP) to allow for smaller destruction zones which commenced Monday 30 September, 2024.
While it was suggested that further research is needed on the implications of smaller destruction zones, this consultation confirmed that growers are willing to support the change.
The reduction in destruction zone size has the potential to provide a more practical and workable solution to infested property owners in managing the disease, based on best available information.
The changes were passed exactly as proposed by the ABGC after consulting industry through workshops, direct engagement, social media and website, Australian Bananas magazine, SMS & E bulletins and an on-line survey.
Reducing the size of destruction zones will help in decreasing the current approximate cost of $3000 per destruction zone, not including the loss of production from the plants removed.
Changes to the CoP (V2):
Within three business days of receiving documentation confirming a positive diagnostic result, a destruction zone must be established that
a) extends 5 metres in both directions from the infected plant along the row of the infected plant; and
b) is bordered by a temporary barrier to deter unauthorised access; and
c) has signage placed on the temporary barrier stating that there is to be no unauthorised access to the destruction zone.
Read the code here.