TR4 grower kit

About TR4, how it’s spread, what it does and how it’s detected.

Be aware of biosecurity laws that apply in relation to TR4 and what you should do.

How to check banana plants for TR4 and what to do if you find a suspect plant.

Learn about the risk assessment process to graze cattle on a property with TR4.

Learn about the process of assessment, testing, diagnosis and support.

Learn about the risk assessment process to farm other crops on land with TR4.

Watch this short video to learn about diagnosing Panama TR4.

See a list of useful support and services available for banana growers and service providers.

 On-farm biosecurity manuals, templates & other

On-farm biosecurity management requires a consistent and sustained approach, and best management practices need to become routine in daily farming operations.

Implement wash-down and decontamination procedures on your property to manage equipment and items that have come into contact with plant or soil material.

Wash-down designs for cleaning, washing, and decontaminating vehicles machinery, vehicles and equipment.

A feral pig trapping program may mitigate the loss of income from feral pig damage to agricultural crops and help protect banana farms from Panama TR4.

Management tips and who to contact on the Cassowary Coast.

Template: visitor register for banana farm

Record keeping should be a routine part of your on-farm biosecurity practices. This visitor register template will help to record the details of each visitor to the farm, including the last property which they had contact with banana plants.

Checklist: on-farm biosecurity

By completing this self-assessment checklist, you will quickly establish which on-farm biosecurity practices are working well and where improvements may be possible. The checklist will also help you prioritise areas for improvement and can be used as the basis for your on-farm biosecurity plan.

Directory: handy contacts for TR4

This short directory offers contact details for Queensland Government departments and agencies, local government, Far North Queensland support services, utilities and emergency contacts.

FAQs: commonly asked questions

This factsheet compiles the most commonly asked questions about Panama TR4 which can be printed and circulated to associates, staff, service providers and family members.

Posters and signs

Information for service providers to your farm

As a banana grower, everyone who you do business with should help protect your farm from TR4. Help them out by sending your service providers a link to the below tools.

Learn more about TR4

E-learning modules


Book an on-farm visit