Panama TR4 news
Seasons Greeting
Sending our warmest Christmas wishes to everyone in the Australian banana industry.
TR4 Program update
The updated Panama TR4 Code of Practice and investigating options for those managing infested properties.
Changes to Code Of Practice Approved
Queensland Government approved amendment allows for smaller destruction zones on an infested property.
The latest on Panama TR4
Panama TR4 Project Manager Geoff Wilson brought growers, stakeholders and interested parties up-to-date with the latest on Panama disease tropical race 4 (Panama TR4) at the Tully Roadshow.
TR4 Destruction Zone Code Consultation
Code Consultation has now closed. A feedback report will be available soon.
TR4 Control Program Update
We need a lot more growers to participate in this Program for effective surveillance to continue.
Tablelands TR4 destruction zone workshop
Hear about TR4 Destruction Zone research studies, the proposed Code of Practice changes and the latest news from the TR4 Control Program.
TR4 destruction zone workshops
Destruction Zone workshops - Tully (13 March) and Innisfail (14 March).
New case of Panama TR4 in the Tully Valley
23/6/2022: Panama disease tropical race 4 (Panama TR4) has been detected on another commercial banana farm in the Tully Valley in Far North Queensland.
This will be the sixth property confirmed with the disease in the Tully Valley since it was first detected in Queensland in 2015.