Rejuvenated Steering Committee to Support the TR4 Program: A New Chapter for Biosecurity
We’re excited to announce the revitalisation of the Panama Tropical Race 4 (Panama TR4) Steering Committee, which will play a crucial role in the development and implementation of an industry-led biosecurity program for managing Panama TR4. The Steering Committee will provide strategic direction and oversight to ensure that the TR4 Program effectively supports North Queensland banana growers in their efforts to combat this devastating disease.
The first meeting of the Steering Committee took place on January 22, 2025, and we are pleased to confirm that the next meeting is scheduled for February 28, 2025. This meeting will continue the important work of ensuring that the program’s services align with the needs of growers while upholding the highest standards of biosecurity.
Committee Structure and Purpose
The Steering Committee will oversee the implementation of the biosecurity program and will be responsible for making strategic decisions. The committee will be composed of:
Chairperson: CEO of ABGC
Deputy Chairperson: Chief Plant Health Manager, BQ
Member: CEO of Plant Health Australia (PHA)
Grower voices will be crucial going forward, and we will be seeking a suitable representative to join the Committee once it is established and has gained stability (so that we can ensure their time is well spent). ABGC recognises that the perspectives and needs of growers must be part of the decision-making process, aligning the TR4 Program closely with the realities of banana farming.
Additionally, the TR4 Program Manager (ABGC) and the Manager of Policy, Plant Biosecurity, and Product Integrity (BQ) will serve as Participants in meetings, providing their expertise. Other participants may be added as needed to ensure that all relevant perspectives are considered.
Moving Forward
This rejuvenated Steering Committee represents an exciting new chapter in the fight against Panama TR4. With a clear structure, strong collaboration between key industry and biosecurity partners, and a focus on practical solutions, we are confident that the TR4 Program will provide North Queensland banana growers with the support they need to safeguard their crops and ensure the long-term sustainability of the industry.
We encourage all stakeholders to stay engaged and informed as the Steering Committee progresses with its work. As mentioned, the next meeting is on February 28, 2025, and we look forward to sharing updates and further developments soon.
For further information, please contact Geoff Wilson, ABGC Program Manager on 0418644068