Panama TR4 news
Charlie goes bananas!
The next generation of biosecurity champions are going bananas to protect Far North Queensland’s farms, thanks to a new children’s book about Panama disease tropical race 4 (Panama TR4).
10 things to know about farming with Panama TR4
Destruction zone on a property infested with Panama TR4 in Far North Queensland
Research into destruction a new focus for the future
Panama TR4 destruction zone on a farm in Far North Queensland
2021 Panama TR4 Epidemiological Review
The Panama TR4 Program Management Board commissioned an independent review to examine patterns of spread of Panama TR4 in Far North Queensland, and whether existing control and containment strategies were sufficient. The review generated key actions for government, industry and growers, including recommended areas of research that will inform how the disease may be managed by industry from July 2023.
Program Leader joins new global fight against banana disease
Panama TR4 Program Leader, Rhiannon Evans, has been inducted onto the IPPC’s Implementation and Capacity Development Committee on Tropical Race 4, which will focus on Panama TR4 prevention, preparedness, and response.
Program Management Board Snapshot Report
A summary of the Panama TR4 Program Management Board meeting which was held 20 October 2021.
Know where to go for Panama TR4 support and services
A directory of support and services for Panama TR4 in Far North Queensland.
The extent of Panama TR4 in the Tully Valley
The current likely geographical extent of Panama TR4 in the Tully Valley and future disease spread scenarios. Extract from the 2021 Panama TR4 Epidemiological Review.
Reinventing the pod into a footbath
Protecting your farm from Panama TR4 doesn’t need to cost big dollars. There are some great examples of innovative and cost-effective solutions that banana growers have implemented to help manage their biosecurity risk.
Transition to industry leadership update
The latest about the transition of Panama TR4 management to industry.